Give'r ambassador Gabriella Auer knows how to give it her all, whether lounging big in her Quitters or shredding huge backcountry ski lines in Rocky Mountain National Park. We asked her to share a story of a day that makes her feel wild with happiness and excitement. This is what she wrote. May her stoke fuel your stoke, and inspire you to get out and pursue your own peaks (real or metaphorical).
The morning started off like most backcountry ski days: 2 men braiding my hair.
After the coffee shop braiding session, the 6 of us headed to Rocky Mountain National Park, where there was surprisingly no entrance fee that day! Yay!
The day consisted of skiing 3 different lines in RMNP (and snacking HARD between skiing. We're talking drinking tomato soup, biting cheese off the block, etc.)
Eating food makes me 1000 happy.
The first line we skied was Dream Chute, and it was a BLAST!
We then skinned up past Emerald Lake to Chaos Canyon where I got super scared for the first part. That's what I get for skiing with badasses on a moderate avy day.
We also bootpacked part of the way.
We then skinned back up and skiied down Mario's.
Oh mai gosh!!! What a day.
Back at the parking lot and full of endorphins I went berserk and spoke/screamed/went wild. It was great fun. Once I returned home I got into my Quitters, was so thankful for the day, and hugh bette I slept well that night!

Give'r, y'all!