Conor Phelan

Reno, NV

Conor grew up in Western NY, spending his childhood climbing the neighborhood trees, and scampering through the small patches of woods that separated suburban developments. It wasn't until after graduating from college, and putting his cross-country and track career to rest that he was able to find the room in time and place to pursue his most authentic life. Since then, Conor's passion for exploring the untrammeled corners of North America has taken him sea kayaking for months along the outer coast in Alaska, tip toeing across knife-edged ridges in British Columbia, stalking bull elk for days on end while residing in Montana, and skiing steep mountain faces deep in the Sierra wilderness outside his new home in Nevada.

Conor lives for these scenarios, scenarios where inadequate gear can pose a major liability. Give'r gear makes all the difference. Whether considering their gloves, their hoodies, or sunglasses, Conor trusts that Give'r creates products that are supremely durable, comfortable, and look pretty darn good in photos too.