Kyle Dowman


jackson, wyoming

I guess you could say that from an early age I have been given’r. Canadian born and up-state New York raised, the outdoors have always been an essential part of my life. My parents plopped me on skis and bikes at an early age, which has ultimately resulted in my current residence in outdoor paradise: Jackson Hole. After putting in my time skiing the icy slopes and riding the rolling hills of the east coast, I knew it was time to head to the real mountains and give’r. While attending St. Lawrence University, I enrolled in a snow science course which just so happened to take place in Jackson. That trip showed me the beauty and endless lines of the Tetons. So, after graduation, like so many before me, I made the pilgrimage west and haven’t looked back since.   

To me, Give’r embodies the lifestyle that encourages me to push myself, discovering personal limitations, and getting stoked with my friends. As far back as my memory reaches, I have been aware of an unspoken level of competition – friends pushing friends to try new things, take a chance, and test our limits. It’s this pushing, striving, and unending respect for the natural world that gives me the indescribable euphoric rush I crave. So get out there, try something new and give’r, life’s too short not to take chances.