Local Commitment
We at Give'r try to take every opportunity we can to support the businesses, non-profits and entrepreneurs who live in our community. We seek to positively impact those around us and strive to act locally to be promoters of a close and caring community. See Hugh's Blog for some examples of how we're Given'r on this front.
Countless others have provided support and insight throughout the birth and growth of Give'r, and we are eternally grateful for each bit of advice, moment of inspiration, and understanding ear. We thank you for having faith in us and making the choice to Give'r! Specifically, we would like to thank: Daniel Nichols, Will Lowe, Len Purkis, David Duffy, The Give'r Ambassadors, Silicon Couloir, Liza Millet, Sandy Hessler and the Start Up Intensive, The Team at Launchboom, Tyler Close, Dan Erdman, Shane Hollingsworth, Ellen Ewankow, Jamie Storrs and Linda Naef and each of our friends and family members who fuel the fire at Give'r HQ. You all are awesome.